Vodafone has launched a Rs. 229 prepaid recharge plan that brings 2GB data per day for 28 days. The new Vodafone recharge plan also includes benefits such as unlimited voice calls and 100 SMS messages per day throughout the validity of 28 days. The telco has brought the Rs. 229 prepaid recharge plan just weeks after introducing the Rs. 139 option for its prepaid customers with 5GB of data and unlimited calling support for 28 days. Last month, it also kicked off free doorstep delivery of 4G SIM cards with the first time recharge of Rs. 249.
With the new Rs. 229 prepaid recharge plan, Vodafone is offering 2GB of 4G/ 3G data per day alongside unlimited local, STD, and roaming calls within India. The pack also includes 100 SMS per day as well as access to live TV, movies, and shows through the Vodafone Play app. Moreover, it comes with a validity of 28 days.
The listing for the Rs. 229 prepaid recharge plan on the Vodafone website confirms its availability in some of the major circles, including Delhi & NCR, Mumbai, and Rajasthan. Also, it sits alongside the existing Rs. 199 recharge pack that offers unlimited voice calls, 100 SMS messages per day, and 1.5GB daily data access for 28 days.
Telecom Talk first reported the arrival of the Rs. 229 Vodafone prepaid recharge plan. However, Gadgets 360 was able to independently confirm the plan through the Vodafone site.
As mentioned, Vodafone last month launched a free doorstep delivery service for subscribers looking for its 4G connection. It is available to new prepaid subscribers with the first time recharge of Rs. 249. The consumers need to recharge from the Vodafone site to avail the new service.
In the recent past, Vodafone added prepaid recharge plans with the denomination of Rs. 16, Rs. 139, and Rs. 999 to compete against other telecom operators, namely Bharti Airtel, BSNL, and Reliance Jio.