In a surprise move, Apple announced a refresh of the iPod touch on Tuesday. The new iPod touch is now powered by the Apple A10 Fusion chip, the same SoC found inside the iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, and the 2018 iPad. Apple is also introducing a 256GB variant of the iPod touch.
he iPod touch was last refreshed in July 2015 alongside upgrades to the iPod shuffle and iPod nano. That update brought the Apple A8 chip to the iPod touch, the same chip inside the iPhone 6₹ 25,889 and iPhone 6 Plus. Apple says the new iPod touch offers up to two times faster CPU, and up to three times better graphics performance.
iPod touch price in India
The iPod touch now starts at Rs. 18,900 for the 32GB variant, an increase of Rs. 1,900 over the model that it replaces. The 128GB iPod touch will retail at Rs. 28,900, as opposed to the Rs. 25,300 price of its predecessor. The new 256GB iPod touch will retail at Rs. 38,900.
As a comparison, the 32GB iPhone 7₹ 38,304 has a MRP of Rs. 39,900, though it's often available for lower prices both online and offline.
The iPod touch will be available in India early next month in six finishes — space grey, white, gold, blue, pink, and (PRODUCT)RED.
iPod touch — what's new
The previous generation iPod touch did not support Group FaceTime video calls and ARKit, so it's no surprise that Apple is heavily touting the presence of these features on the new device. As before, the iPod touch packs a 4-inch display, the same size as the iPhone SE.
Apart from the faster chip, the rest of the iPod touch specifications seem unchanged. The device packs a 1.2-megapixel front camera and an 8-megapixel rear shooter.